+64 (0)27 205 4401 info@earlgreyfishing.co.nz

Snapper Fishing

A Kiwi angler’s choice for the table

If you prefer to target Snapper we have excursions available for you to join as part of a shared group charter or make up your own group for the sole charter option.

Snapper fishing excursions are generally within the inner bay depending on the duration of your charter.
Pilchards, squid and mackerel are the most common bait used but the odd live bait is always handy as big Snapper are quite partial to these tempting morsels.

Ledger and strayline rigs are predominantly used for this species but jigs and soft baits can also be effective for those experienced anglers keen to preserve.

Contact US


Wendy & Steve Butler

Email: fish@earlgreyfishing.co.nz

Phone (within NZ): 027 205 4401

Phone (from outside NZ) +64 27 205 4401